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And God gave them his blessing and said to them,

Be fertile and have increse, and make the earth full and be masters of it;

be rulers over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air

and over every living thing movin on the earth.[1]


The grass field streches all the way to the shore

like a bedspread

now it grows flowers and hay

we have the annual discussion:

should we mow the lawn or not

should we mow the lawn or not

whose turn is it now

well, I’ll do it then

as we have even badminton rackets and net there

bought for children


For us, it’s about the lawn

and creating a meadow

but if we gave the bumblebees,

large whites and small tortoiseshells,

meadow buttercups and Galium Verums

personal pronouns

and would look them instead of those in the eye

– as I now look you –

if we’d give

would we understand

for us it’s about the lawn

but for them

about something a lot bigger


should we mow or not

should we mow or not


Blackbird’s nest in the woodshed

wasps in the cabin’s pentice


Control of flying insects:

the product is sprayed for 8-10 seconds

the aerosol is kept at least 80-90 cm

away from walls and delicate surfaces

as I enter

the borderline of the intruder blurs


And from the earth the Lord God made every beast of the field

and every bird of the air, and took them to the man to see

what names he would give them:

and whatever name he gave to any living thing,

that was its name.[2]


The grass field stretches all the way to the shore

like a bedspread

now it grows flowers and hay

I'm learning their names from a book

I’m relieved

we didn’t succeed

they are still here


should we mow or not

well I’ll do it then

badminton rackets and net


In the afternoon

when it rains

I see in the yard

two white-tailed deer


I’m relieved

we didn’t succeed

they are still here


The white-tailed deer was imported from North-America to Finland about a hundred years ago.

The official name of the species is Odocoileus Virginianus.


 In the afternoon


The situation in South-West Finland is difficult.


when it rains 


One must drive extra carefully, especially when it’s dark. 


I see in the yard 


Driving from the city one sees warning signs here and there

the deers manage to pass the car almost every time

but not always.


two white-tailed deers



There are no carnivores here inherently,


I’m relieved



who would kill deers, 



we didn’t succeed 


who spread siberian ticks and castor bean ticks,



they are still here



who spread borreliosis



they are still here



and tick-borne encephalitis.

There are no carnivores here inherently. There’s only human.

[1] Moses 1:28

[2] Moses 2:19

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